
Average score 341 Reviews
rossana clementi noted on Google

2 months ago
Federica Nicolai noted on Google

(Translated by Google) magnificent place, spatial location!! the food is really good and they often update the dishes with excellent news. the service is very good, they bring you the dishes immediately, even if only once it happened to me that some desserts were not brought to us, but as soon as I informed them they immediately worked to make up for it. highly recommended. (Original) posto magnifico, location spaziale!! si mangia davvero bene e aggiornano spesso i piatti con ottime novità. il servizio è molto buono, ti portano subito le portate, anche se solo una volta mi è capitato che dei dolci non ci furono portati, ma appena fatto presente si sono subito adoperati per rimediare. consigliatissimo.

2 months ago
Vincenzo Longo noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good (Original) Molto bene

2 months ago
Anonymus noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Tt perfect (Original) Tt perfetto

2 months ago
Berardo D'Alberto noted on Google

2 months ago
Marianela Sabatini noted on Google

2 months ago
Maximiliano Villarreal noted on Google

Great place, the atmosphere is very cool, the staff is very very polite. The automated order using tablets works perfectly. The menu is good, lots of very tasteful sushi options. We have a very good experience. It is inside a mall so you have underground parking available. Recommended

2 months ago
Valeria Pompei noted on Google

(Translated by Google) On Tuesday, a friend of mine and I went to sushi. Even though we had booked we had to wait more than an hour and groups of 4/5 people who had not booked were given priority. Despite this, you eat well even if some dishes arrive after a long time or don't arrive at all. Beautiful environment. The Chinese waiter with long hair was really helpful. The waitress with the tail and the very grumpy pink shirt. However, I recommend coming to eat in a good all-you-can-eat restaurant. (Original) Martedì siamo andate al sushi io ed una mia amica. Anche se avevamo prenotato abbiamo dovuto aspettare più di un’ora e i gruppi da 4/5 persone che non avevano prenotato hanno avuto la precedenza. Nonostante ciò, si mangia bene anche se alcuni piatti arrivano dopo tanto o non arrivano proprio. Ambiente bellissimo. Il cameriere cinese con i capelli lunghi veramente molto disponibile. La cameriera con la coda e la maglietta rosa molto scorbutica. Comunque consiglio di venire per mangiare in un ristorante all you can eat buono.

2 months ago
Katarzyna Szczech noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good restaurant. Beautiful interior. I recommend it (Original) Bardzo dobra restauracja.Píękne wnętrze Polecam

2 months ago
Lucia Pigliapoco noted on Google

2 months ago

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