
Average score 341 Reviews
Cristina Egidi noted on Google

12 days ago
Andrea De Santis noted on Google

(Translated by Google) All good, fast service. Highly recommended 😋 (Original) Tutto buono, servizio veloce. Consigliatissimo 😋

13 days ago
Luigi Buondonno noted on Google

(Translated by Google) One of the best sushi places I've been to (Original) Uno dei migliori sushi in cui sono stato

13 days ago
Morris Capparuccini noted on Google

14 days ago
lara bergo noted on Google

16 days ago
Diana Bocoi noted on Google

17 days ago
Valentina Baldi noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very kind staff. I did takeaway, but the place is exceptional. Excellent food and very quick preparation. (Original) Personale gentilissimo. Io ho fatto asporto, ma il locale è eccezionale. Cibo ottimo e preparazione velocissima.

17 days ago
Enrica Grancini noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very beautiful location. The tablet may be convenient, but not all the dishes arrived, but only after two reminders. (Original) Location molto bella. Il tablet sarà anche comodo, ma le portate non sono arrivate tutte, ma solo dopo due solleciti.

18 days ago
Roberto Giorgi noted on Google

18 days ago
Senia Cisbani noted on Google

20 days ago

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