
Average score 341 Reviews
Laura Grottesi noted on Google

1 month ago
Silvia Lattanzi noted on Google

1 month ago
Rossano Perotti noted on Google

(Translated by Google) All perfect (Original) Tutto perfetto

1 month ago
Diego D'adamo noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Good food, very fast service, friendly and professional staff (Original) Buon cibo, servizio molto veloce, personale gentile e professionale

1 month ago
Glc76 noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good sushi. Service also, maybe a little less cold would be nice. Very particular environment and very clean toilets. The only flaw is that 3 Euros x 0.75 of water just doesn't fit.. (Original) Sushi molto buono. Servizio anche, magari un po meno freddo sarebbe carino. Ambiente molto particolare e servizio igienici molto puliti. Unica pecca 3 Euro x 0.75 di Acqua non ci stanno proprio..

1 month ago
Vincenzo Zappala' noted on Google

1 month ago
Susanna Massobrio noted on Google

1 month ago
Cristina Bazzanti noted on Google

1 month ago
Lorena Loli noted on Google

(Translated by Google) We will definitely be back!!!! Optimal (Original) Torneremo sicuramente!!!! Ottimo

1 month ago
Italo F. noted on Google

(Translated by Google) July 2024. The tradition continues. The restaurant has maintained the high standard. I also took some photos of my favorite dishes. One of the best Japanese restaurants I've been to. July 24, 2024…..the best for sure (Original) Luglio 2024. La tradizione continua. Il ristorante ha mantenuto l’alto livello. Ho fatto anche un po’ di foto ai miei piatti preferiti. Uno dei migliori ristoranti giapponesi che ho frequentato. 24 luglio 2024… migliore sicuramente

1 month ago

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